Sun Mar 26 21:04:03 2006 from
Jim Hewston <

Gail,I'm telling you,your playing sounds clear as a bell.March Madness,cold Corona's,& Tina & Gail.Friday night at Iron Horse was just a fine night for me.Thanx to the two of you for being there & doing what you do,SO WELL!

Mon Apr 3 08:44:03 2006 from
Kay Taynor <

Gail and Tina, My husband and I went to see you at the park on Sunday, and it was great! You two are wonderful. We enjoyed the concert very much, especially when we moved into the shade! Ha.... Joe and I work for Volusia County Schools, and we love it when Tina comes to our Christmas breakfast to sing!!! We think you are both wonderful, and pray God's blessings for you both. Especially, with Megan coming! Take care, Kay and Joe Taynor

Tue Apr 4 11:17:12 2006 from


Sun Jun 18 09:41:33 2006 from
LeRoy Burnham <

I got your cd Covering a Decade, and it's great. Do you have any other cd's available; and if so, how can I get one? Thanks, LeRoy

Wed Jun 21 07:23:24 2006 from
Cindy and Hank Goldstone <

We want to thank you both so very much for being a part of our wedding. You were superb! The music was just perfect and we have some great pictures of the two of you playing, which once I get them scanned, I will forward them to you. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening. We would assume that by now that Tina has had her baby and wanted to know how they were doing. Take care and hope to see you soon. Cindy & Hank

Sat Jul 8 02:26:02 2006 from


Fri Jul 21 13:23:45 2006 from
Weldon Henson <

Hey just wanted to say thanks for letting me play a few songs with ya'll back at the Iron Horse on 30 Jun. You gals are awesome!!! Thanks for the CD too!!!!!

Tue Aug 1 13:15:26 2006 from
Carmine Mastropolo <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Hi Gail, whats up... Just wanted to say Hi... I was listening to your CD today and was thinking about you & your family... Does Doris have an e-mail.. OK hope all is well.. Have a nice day down there.. (still in NY)

Fri Oct 6 21:26:41 2006 from
Sooz White <

Hey Girls! Just sending ya both The Love. I'm in third semester of photo school now. Any chance I can get you two gorgeous girls into the studio at DBCC for a shoot? You'd have band photos, and I'd have some assignments done... Tuesday and Thursday evenings work best for me, but I can be flexible also. (I've got The Montessori Dream Job in DeLand these days.) So my best bud Sean got you on the front page in Flagler, huh? How cool is that? Call me if ya want to do a shoot... 386.679.1855. Hugs to you both! Sooz

Sun Oct 8 23:57:08 2006 from
Judy Evans <

Just wanted to say "Hi" to Tina and belated congratulations on your baby. We think of you often. Judy Evans and the students at the BEST Center. Was hoping to get to see you at the Family Days but scheduling just didn't allow it.

Wed Oct 11 17:33:25 2006 from
kevin lattin <

Sorry u did not get the 8% raise . U are all worth it . They call De Land no payland . If I did plumbing in Orlando I would make 20 more an hour . But hate the trafic . But anyway thats Volusia Co. Been to long with out seeing and lystening to you two . Hope to get over their soon . Need some harmoney in my life . But doesnt everone ! If I get their soon enough can I polish your guitars ? My rainsong is black also . Shows every spot. But Gail Im not being critical haha just glad to help u gails are the best . Be well

Fri Nov 3 07:19:10 2006 from
rich the sales guy <

my favorite people, my favorite music duo. having front row seats at one of their shows....priceless

Tue Nov 7 09:44:40 2006 from
Dave and Pat Thompson <

Hey............Heard you at the Bank and Blues Bar in Daytona during Biketoberfest.....YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!!!Hope to see you in March during Bike Week....Dave and Pat in Pennsylvania.....

Fri Nov 10 00:48:19 2006 from
Dennis Carwile <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Hey Gal's, You sure are lookin' good! I am getting the songs together we talked about. I'll be sending them soon. I also had dinner with Larry Wayne Clark, his wife, and Mike Bush tonight and we talked about you. Larry will be sending you an email. I could not remember the title of the song you played of his? Can you help me out with that info? Talk to you ladies soon! Peace & Love Smokey

Tue Nov 21 12:29:36 2006 from
Gary & Kathy Droppa <

We just love you girls. Always let us know when you will playing and where. You two are the greatest. Glad to have become friends with you. Thanks for being so kind. Gary and Kathy

Wed Nov 22 17:18:43 2006 from
"Radio Bob", m/c

You two were really awesome last weekend while performing at the Charity Benefit at the "World Famous" Iron Horse Saloon. I recommend to everyone I know, while visiting the area, to be sure to catch "Gailforce." Wherever you play, your always a real crowd pleaser !

Thu Nov 23 08:48:58 2006 from
ups john <

Happy Holidays ladies,can't wait to see you AGAIN!

Wed Jan 10 08:49:20 2007 from
Brian Quesenberry <

Hi Ladies Just looking at photos from 2 years ago when I was down for the Daytona 500. I had agreat time at Boot Hill. You two are just awesome. I wish we had some local talent like you up here in my area(PA). If a CD could be worn out, then the one I got from you back then would be. I hope to make it down again this year and I will checking your calendar so I can hear some of that great live music of yours. Glad to see you are doing well.

Thu Jan 11 20:26:40 2007 from

Mon Jan 15 16:26:53 2007 from
cindi doll <

Hello from Ohio to both of you, can't wait to make it back to Fla. so we can see you again. Hope it's this July!! Larry and Cindi

Tue Jan 16 06:07:57 2007 from
Ray ''Rocky'' Siracusa <>  (Guest's Home Page)


Tue Jan 16 07:10:57 2007 from
Dick & Diane <rsdsmmns@aol.

It was real nice to see (and HEAR) you two again. I'm going to print out a few copies of your "gig" page and pass it around to our party pals around the campground. See ya! Dick

Fri Jan 19 22:29:10 2007 from
Ursula O'Leary <

Hi Gail & Tina - best wishes to you & your families for a prosperous year 2007. Looking forward to seeing & hearing you again. XO, Ursula & Jim

Sat Jan 20 13:02:27 2007 from
Dawn Sullivan <

Hi girlfriends....its me.... Dawn of Dawn and Dave your one legged Fan. You guys are the best. We hope to see you playing somewhere soon.

Tue Jan 23 09:09:23 2007 from
Wendi <

Hi, I first meet you 2 at Jb's Fish camp and loved your music. is there any way to get more of you cd?? your friend, Wendi

Mon Feb 12 12:42:39 2007 from
jane dibenedetto <

hey gail it was great to see you at blockbuster-we'll come visit you at the iron horse in the next 2 weeks. take care love, jane

Wed Feb 28 23:15:06 2007 from
Donna Coles <

Hi girls - Just found you electronically. I'm movin' up now!! Working for Ocean Waters, at the Acapulco. I love it so far. . .paid medical insurance after 90 days - can't beat that!!! It was so great to see you. I am doing better each day - back to the beach, which I truly believe is where I belong!! See you soon - keep singing and smiling - I love you both!!

Sun Mar 4 13:59:10 2007 from
daytona doug & patti graham <>  (Guest's Home Page)

will surely see yall this week...luv ya

Sat Mar 17 15:41:12 2007 from
Todd & Kathie Johnson <

Just seen you guys at Ironhorse Saloon during Speedweeks.We could only stay for 1 set since we were partying and had to drive across town. It wasn't enough so we had to buy a cd before we left!!! Covering a Decade is Awesome!!! PS we are from Grand Forks, North Dakota THANKS!! WE will look for you guys in July when we visit again for the races. Todd & Kathie

Tue Mar 27 06:28:41 2007 from
Tedd Johnson <

Will be in your area Easter weekend and hope to see you guys. You girls are the best around. Thanks

Mon Apr 9 07:49:45 2007 from
Herb Pierce <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Gail and Tina, Hey! Hope all is well, miss seeing you. Take care Herb

Tue Apr 10 13:21:53 2007 from
Brenda Thomas-Lil Bits Friend <Kathleen

I listened to your show in Ormond by the Sea and bought a tape. I am interested in playing a song with you off of your first CD if you ever invite me to. Thanks to Lil Bit and seeing ya'll in the past at Snack Jacks.How do you get the words and guitar tab for the first album? Would like to practice and I will Pay you . Ya'll are awesome. Even if I never get to play with you, I sure would like to play your music. Brenda and Robbie from Ormond by the sea used to take me to listen to ya'll. Thank you. Thank you, Brenda Blondie

Thu Apr 26 09:25:58 2007 from
Kathleen and Ed Zamborsky <

Love your CD. Every single song!

Thu May 24 12:33:05 2007 from
ryan  <

Fri Jun 8 12:06:40 2007 from
bill&ellen wright <

Great pics on the web page . See you at your new venue. I wasn't clear on which night you were playing.

Sat Jun 16 10:00:29 2007 from
Mark and Michelle Davis <

Thanks for the weekly updates! You guys are great and we love to see you perform!

Mon Jun 25 19:55:00 2007 from
Tony Ricciardelli <

Saw the last hour and a half of your show Saturday at the Sea Drift Tavern in Ormond Beach. Never been there before, never heard of you before. Glad I stopped in, I enjoyed your show. I was hooked the moment you played "Tangled up in Blue." Thanks for a great evening.

Sun Jul 8 11:29:05 2007 from
Jim Hawkins <

Hi, Really like your music, saw you friday July 6 at Boot Hill Saloon. I requested my favorite song, Rocky Top, you play it very well. Always good to see. Take care. Jim

Fri Oct 26 11:09:40 2007 from
tim &hilarie <

thanks for a great dinner. see you both soon tim

Sat Nov 3 23:29:58 2007 from
wes malone <

Enjoyed your performance at Deland. Your originals are great. Heard you on Atticus program also. Drop by the Hot Spot Sometime say hi.

Wed Dec 5 12:03:16 2007 from
Gary and Kathy Droppa <

Hi there Gail and Tina, I would like to wish you both a Very Merry Christmas to you and your families. We will miss you while we are gone to NJ for 18 days. Love you gals, Kathy

Wed Dec 12 14:29:18 2007 from
Billie bowman <

I have love your Chrismas CD, was listenning today, an just wanted you to know. I have missed not getting over to Daytona to hear you, I hope I will be over to catch you soon. take care, Wishing you a Super Merry Christmas...Billie

Wed Jan 16 12:15:50 2008 from
Eileen and Ray <

Hi Ladies, Just a short note to say hello, long time no see, hoping everything is going well with you all.I can,t seem to find where you are now playing, a little help would be hunky dory. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Keep a good thought. Your Friends Eileen and Ray

Fri Feb 15 10:21:17 2008 from
Carole & Jack Wolfram <

Thanks again for singing the song our daughter requested for us last night (Valentine's Day)I told her this morning that you did that and she was very happy. Carole

Sat Mar 1 15:12:21 2008 from
Jeff (JR) robinson <

Hi guys, not sure if you will remember me, im the British biker with the black leather cowboy hat you met in Boothill Saloon during Biketoberfest 07 i bought a CD & you wrote in it "To JR thanks for taking us overseas" well i play that CD alot here in UK, i cant make Bike week in Daytona but i will be back for Biketoberfest 08 so i hope i see you guys again in Boothill then, have fun, see you all soon, thanks again, love Jeff xxx

Thu Mar 27 14:30:15 2008 from
Shyguy <

Hi - Gailforce. Nice site - nice sounds - nice Boo ---- never mind.

Sat Apr 5 14:19:28 2008 from
CRIS Everetts/Randall <

I love you guys, great night last night at "BIKE AND BLUES. THANKS, CRIS

Sun Apr 6 21:11:27 2008 from
"Radio Bob" Barry <

WOW, you gals really rocked the "Bike & Blues w/Mickey Jones & Friends" V.I.P. Party Friday Night at the Club Navago in Ormond Beach. The crowd LOVED you two, and I heard a lot of compliments. You two are "Fantastic"

Wed Apr 16 10:02:48 2008 from
"IRON Dave" Adams <

Just wanted to stop by and chekc out your site... very impressed with the list of accomplishments you two have achieved! Thanks for the opportunity to do a couple numbers with you at the recent Bikes & Blues VIP party, I'll try to be a bit better prepared next! Keep at it and continue to share your passion with people! "Iron" Dave Adams 96.5 WHTQ-FM Orlando Jakson County

Wed Apr 16 10:04:14 2008 from
"IRON Dave" Adams <

Just wanted to stop by and chekc out your site... very impressed with the list of accomplishments you two have achieved! Thanks for the opportunity to do a couple numbers with you at the recent Bikes & Blues VIP party, I'll try to be a bit better prepared next! Keep at it and continue to share your passion with people! "Iron" Dave Adams - 96.5 WHTQ-FM Orlando /Jakson County

Wed Apr 16 10:04:32 2008 from
"IRON Dave" Adams <

Just wanted to stop by and check out your site... very impressed with the list of accomplishments you two have achieved! Thanks for the opportunity to do a couple numbers with you at the recent Bikes & Blues VIP party, I'll try to be a bit better prepared next! Keep at it and continue to share your passion with people! "Iron" Dave Adams - 96.5 WHTQ-FM Orlando /Jakson County

Sun May 4 15:25:34 2008 from
Jim Herman <

It was my pleasure and honor to help with the ceiling fan at North Turn but I still don't think it was all the way off but hope it helped and I enjoyed your music very much. Your very sweet and if you don't mind really cute and pretty! Jim single/divorced I work in Port Orange and I live in Dallas, Georgia a sub of Atlanta

Fri Jun 6 13:25:19 2008 from
Dena Merz <

Gail & Tina, I've been a fan for years! Keep Rocking! See you soon, Dena

Wed Jun 18 08:43:30 2008 from
David Smith <

Gail, Tim told me to check out your site so here I am. Listened to your music and think it's great. Try to keep Tim out of trouble:)

Sun Jun 22 16:59:21 2008 from
SILK 'N STEEL <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Great performance last night @ the Station. We really enjoyed! We mentioned how good you are during our 4th set and the crowd in the back bar went wild for ya'. :) Girls rock! Vicky Kay SILK 'N STEEL Daytona Beach, Florida

Thu Jul 3 13:38:11 2008 from


Thu Jul 3 15:55:41 2008 from


Thu Jul 24 16:13:00 2008 from
john campbell <

want to thank you two for letting me get up there at the north turn sunday july 13th. you guys were great. enjoying your cd as well. almost made it to jb's fish camp on the 20th...but, well...i was tired. next time 'round...john

Fri Aug 8 02:37:10 2008 from
kathy conley <

hey Gail and Tina,

Fri Aug 8 02:39:01 2008 from
kathy conley <

Hey Gail, I haven't talked to you in ages. Remember our college days in Daytona? Love to hear from you soon. Hope all is well with you. Take care. Hi to Tina!

Fri Aug 29 11:28:15 2008 from
Lib <

Girlfriends! I know you don't believe this BUT, we came looking for you last Saturday but, due to Fay, guess you had to cancel! Go figure!You guys just missed DeAnna and Lexi this year! They have just left. We need another Living Room! Miss you guys!

Tue Sep 23 22:05:14 2008 from


Tue Oct 21 16:43:37 2008 from
Doug Linkous <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Hey gals, haven't talked or seen you in a long time thought I'd drop you a line or two. Not playing much myself these days but have a lot of promo packs out there following up trying to land a steady somewhere. A lot of bars are either cutting back or staying with what they have. I'll be out there again this week pounding the pavement! I see by you schedule this month you working some. I'll try and get out to see you at one of the gigs. How's the families, fine I hope. I'm doing well physically, in fact my med #'s went down 4 points last time so who knows how long I'll go without having to have an operation, a long time I hope! Any hoo, have a great Halloween and I'll see you 'round the salt mines!! Love Doug

Wed Oct 22 12:36:57 2008 from


Tue Dec 30 18:29:30 2008 from
Jonathan Graham <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Hey ladies, I recently moved to the Palm Coast, Florida area. I'm also a bass player. I might be playing soon with Chris Hogan. He told me about your group. ZZ Top and the Rolling Stones are some of my favorite groups, but I like all kinds of music. Looking forward to meeting you and hearing your music ... Best wishes always, Jonathan Graham

Sat Jan 17 19:33:07 2009 from
dan&nancy <

Enjoyed listneng to you Friday at Rivergrille we also ejoyed your CD see you at inlet harbor Sunday---dan and nancy

Sun Jan 18 09:00:22 2009 from
Fred (Ninjaturtle) Ickes <

Hey ladies , wanted to say thanks for a great evening at the Iron horse ! What great way to top off a wks stay here in Fla. The quote of the evening ..................This beats sitin on the couch !! And Danny`s quote of WOW !! Hope all your dreams come true till the next time !!

Wed Jan 21 10:11:43 2009 from

Sat Jan 31 20:09:04 2009 from
artie  <

You sounded great on the Atticus Black show today - I should know as I was sitting next to Gail. look fordard to hearing you and seeing at JB this summer. Thanks for being on Atticus's show artie - atticus's brother

Tue Feb 3 21:47:33 2009 from
Cory Haugen <

Hope to see you in Daytona for the 500 seen you at BootHill many times give me a holler and I buy you a beer.takecare Cory from Minnesota.

Sun Mar 15 12:16:22 2009 from
Jo Taylor <

Hi Hunny Bunny..........It's me and Skip sitting at the computer thinking of the both of you..... We are talking about comming to see you soon.... Love You........BYE BYE for now!!!!!!!!!

Fri Apr 10 19:29:14 2009 from
Kathi Linet <

Hi Gail & Tina, Didn't get to see you/hear you this past week at Inlet Harbor...I was in FL for alot of business stuff and spent time with my Mom (90!)...was hoping to meet Kate & Ray there but it just didn't work out. Wanted to make sure you have my correct e-mail address since I haven't been getting your automatic e-mails. My address is: Please delete (if you can) the old one which was: Hope to see you on my next trip to FL...but don't know when that one will be. Be well and HAPPY EASTER to you both and your families! Kathi L.

Fri Oct 9 10:28:40 2009 from
rich aldinger <>  (Guest's Home Page)

the absolute highlight of my musical life was playing bass with gail and tina and dan walters on keys and jamie tauler on drums at the ssa awards show a few years ago. we introduced catch a rainbow and i recorded it to dvd. the recording and performance were both excellent i have not had near as much fun since. thanks girls...i wish we could have played more together it seems that i really don't fit into many peoples vision of a decent musician, but my constant effort to improve and my love for tones kept me going for years, but like all things will end soon. i will always remember that night.

Fri Nov 13 12:13:30 2009 from
Charlie Gear <>  (Guest's Home Page)

It will be so cool to see you two tomorrow at the Deland Music Festival.... it has been a long time... Charlie

Fri Dec 11 08:26:26 2009 from
Ilene Morosetti <

Great website. Thanks for sharing. Hope to see you in the near future. Merry Christmas and Happy New, am enjoying your cd. Ilene

Sun Dec 20 17:17:25 2009 from
patrick roderick <

Jen and I realy enjoyed your gig at the iron horse last night, we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Mon Dec 28 12:23:39 2009 from
Peter Blake <

Nice to see you perform last night at Inlet Harbour. Good Show! Pete

Sun Jan 3 18:58:08 2010 from

Tue Jan 5 12:45:17 2010 from
Claire Portmann <

Great website glad I finally found you, have been wondering since you and Mark showed up at my dorm room in 1983 what happened to you when you headed to FL. hope to hear from you, Claire

bud alloway <

hey girls, this is bud. Met before christmas at your show at the river grille. I'm an old friend from the river deck days is south daytona. Hope to hear you again soon.

Fri Jan 22 18:21:30 2010 from
Tue Feb 2 21:41:21 2010 from
Luke <

Hey Gail and, missed you guys last year during bike week after 11 straight years. Hope to find you this year. Be safe....Luke

Deborah Jantos <

Looking forward to seeing you at the River Grille next week! You are both great entertainers.

heidi smith <

Hey women!!!!! saw you a couple of times at the IHS!!!! Me and my bfriend will follow your gigs. Got yer cd too. Love it. Peace...

Sat Feb 20 19:10:40 2010 from
Evelyn <

Hi Gail, just wanted to let you know Frank and I will proballey see you tomarrow. evelyn

Wed Mar 3 13:53:17 2010 from
pat conner <pconner02

Wed Mar 3 14:05:04 2010 from
pat conner <

We enjoyed your music and the fun at the restaurant in FL. It was a memorable and cherished time. The Tennessee boys.

Thu Apr 1 18:44:48 2010 from
Judy Evans <

Hope to get to see you soon. We just don't get out much

Sun May 2 12:10:16 2010 from
Peter Blake <

Looking for your May calendar as I want to see you before I leave...........Peter

Tue May 4 08:58:09 2010 from
Jacquie Tripp <

Dear Band, I recently attended the Lions Convention and heard you there. You are wonderful! Tins, I loved the song at the dinner-I work at Seabreeze HIgh and would like to ask if you perform at Awards Ceremonies-I would love to have you sing your Teach Me song to all of my freshmen. Thanks for sharing your talents. Jacquie

Sun May 16 08:01:40 2010 from
Mike DeLong

Thu May 20 16:24:51 2010 from
Lee Hill <

Hi, I am in Ohio. I miss you both, hope to see you soon. Here is my email

Thu May 20 23:26:13 2010 from
evelyn  <

Hi Gail Long time no see how have you been hope to see you at one of your next gigs evelyn

Tue May 25 16:41:27 2010 from
Brenda Thomas <

I haven't ya'll in aong time. Hope life is great for you. You played at Seadrift for Hank's funeral. Still healing but we are Lil Bits friends. Just saw her coming in from the mountains. Love you guys'' God Bless You'''''''''''''''Brenda

Sat Jun 26 08:51:42 2010 from
Gary Timlin <

Oh my gawd! I sure hope you remember me Gail. Your bud from many years past. My wife, Connie (yes I'm remarried) and I are spending a short week in St. Augustine next week and I thought I would Google you and I'll be danged you really kept playing! Awesome!! I'd like to hear back if you get this. It looks like you're doing great. Holler back.... Gary

Mon Jul 12 12:41:38 2010 from
Pam Herkless <

Love your music hope to maybe be able to see you somewhere again. Maybe now with the website that will be possible.

Sat Aug 21 21:45:47 2010 from
Eliza Morris <

Hello! I am trying to come hear you. I am a substitute and I heard great things about your Band.

Sun Aug 29 11:49:23 2010 from
Roger Goddard <

Hi girls does this mean I get free drinks when I come to see you lol

Sat Sep 11 23:32:54 2010 from
Ken Ali <>  (Guest's Home Page)

It was great seeing you both perform this evening at the Port Orange Amphitheater on Patriots Day. You were great. We should have had a bigger audience.

Sat Oct 23 16:31:42 2010 from
Diana Veynovich <

You girls are great!!

Thu Nov 4 17:28:59 2010 from
Luke <

Hey ladies, I sure missed the good times at Daytona this past spring and, of course, missed seeing you guys. How are you all doing? I hope all is well. I moved down to Georgia. I accepted a job at the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga. and started on 10/18. The family will be staying up north for now. I'm glad to see you are still playing music. Drop me a line and let me know how you guys are doing. Be safe, Luke

Sun Nov 7 18:53:31 2010 from
Donna <

I so enjoyed seeing you last Friday - it had been way to long between visits!! Your music and magic together is a definate happy place for me. I was like a kid going to Disney World on the way to see you. Your talent is truly magical! Thank you - I love Gailforce - the power of two!!

Sun Nov 21 14:26:54 2010 from
Jon Halasz <jhalasz@cf;/rr/com>  (Guest's Home Page)

Gail, Real nice meeting you last night. Gailforce has a clean and true sound. Keep up the good work! Jon

Mon Dec 6 00:27:00 2010 from
Jessica Shaw <

Hey Gail...I finally got to see you play. It was awsomeand I can;t wait to see ya again. Love ya always, Jess

Tue Dec 7 09:30:45 2010 from
Dick Conklin <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Looking forward to hearing Gailforce on December 18!

Fri Jan 7 09:41:24 2011 from
Chuck Layton <>  (Guest's Home Page)

It is so great to see you two still performing together. Makes me feel all warm inside. You are certainly a staple in the music community of the Daytona area. It's been too long since I've seen you. I will see you again soon!

Mon Jan 24 16:34:38 2011 from


Sat Feb 12 15:41:35 2011 from
Rodney Knutson <

Just dropping a note to say hi. I really like the site, and you ladies sound great. I'm excited to have you as my guest performers. I've yet to make it to a live show due to unforseeable circumstances, but I'm really looking forward to making it out there soon. I would also like to meet with eighter or both of you the around the beginning of next month if possible to discuss a few technical details for the show. Whenever is good for you. Once again thanks, I really apreciate you guys, and good luck tonight.

Sun Mar 13 22:16:26 2011 from
Tom Moulyet <

Hey Ladies, I am "Mr. helpful from Daytona(3/10)at the camp grounds bar. Just wanted to tell you how much u ladies talented ladies added to my first trip to Daytona for bike week. Gale, hope ur test went well, and u guys have a great balance to the year. If I'm lucky, I'll be back next year and hope you r playing again. Later, Tom.....................

Sun Apr 3 09:44:43 2011 from
Bob & Karen Hurd <

First time hearing you last night ate the Dish. Really enjoyed your performance and music choice. Hope to see you again soon.

Fri Apr 15 11:37:07 2011 from


Sat Apr 30 00:00:39 2011 from
Gary & Kathy Droppa <

Gail & Tina we love being with you two. But you need to get your gigs back at Inlet Harbor and North Turn. Miss going there on Saturday or Sunday afternoon's. Made life a bit more bareable. Please see what you can do with getting your gigs back. Miss you both terribly, Love, Kathy

Mon Jun 6 07:40:52 2011 from
Spinners <

Happened upon you Sunday at City Center Park ...wonderful, talented women...hope they do have fall concerts in Park when more snowbirds are here and can enjoy your talent too. Again Thank You.

Wed Jun 8 16:34:00 2011 from
Luke Backus <

Hey Gail! Long time! I just happened upon your website. Pretty cool that you are still doing what you've always loved - playing guitar. I remember sitting at the end of your road (Eleanor?) with Casey, Sue, Jill, (John Kohler ;)) and you playing "The needle and the damage done" and "Lady" Good Times! My sister-in-law lives in Port Orange and we are down there every year. I'll check your schedule and bring a crowd to listen! Keep cool. Luke Backus

Thu Jun 16 09:37:45 2011 from
Ed Stayton <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Hey Guys...I really miss you both...The good thing is I have your CD in my truck...I listen to it all the time to get my Gailforce FIX...I really miss Florida, my friends and my Saturday afternoons and nights with you...

Sat Jul 23 22:48:53 2011 from
Stan Freeman <

thanks for making a lonely guys night,always love to hear you,and thanks Gail for the picture.Blown away by Shelby's art.Look forward to seeing you again!

Fri Jul 29 22:06:14 2011 from
Chris V <

Hi Gail and Tina - can't wait for you to post the August schedule... love, the Vogelsangs (Grandpa and Chris)

Mon Aug 22 10:33:50 2011 from
Brenda Thomas <

This is LIL BITs friend and hope you are doing great.

Mon Sep 5 10:45:29 2011 from
Sandy &A

Mon Sep 5 11:37:13 2011 from
Sandy & Alan <

We enjoyed you very much Satuday night at Bulow camp ground hope we get to see again soon. Will spread the word that you are great. Thanks for a great evening.

Sun Oct 9 11:33:12 2011 from
John Arden <

Dear Gail and Tina, It was great to hear you again at Capt. Steamers. Keep up the great work! John Arden w/Jack & Carole Wolfram

Tue Nov 8 21:54:32 2011 from
Susan Hoadley DeGeorge <

Hi Tina, I just listened to a few of your songs and you are very talented. I am sorry it took a year for me to listen to them. I do hope to get down to Daytona again and see you and your family. I did enjoy seeing you briefly at your home. I do hope to get up to see your Mom and Dad. It was so nice to see them last November.

Tue Nov 22 12:07:14 2011 from
Sqwelch <

Hey you couple of gorgeous honey's how are you doing? Hope to catch up with you sometime love and kisses Sqwelch

Sat Dec 3 22:12:15 2011 from
JR <

Saw you guys at North Turn a few years ago during Rolex 24 at Daytona and was blown away, wondering if you guys might be playing in the area for the upcoming Rolex 24 weekend (last weekend in January) would be great to catch another show!

Mon Dec 26 10:59:56 2011 from
Patrick Chenard <

hi,used to see you at the highlander,i was the chef out back on the deck. i would love you to sing at my bar .386-366-0927

Sun Jan 1 20:31:06 2012 from
Bob Wilson <

Had a great time with you on New Years Eve thanks Bob

Wed Jan 11 14:45:32 2012 from
Dan Baker <

Awesome you two are still playing! I miss all the good times at Highlander.

Thu Feb 9 11:53:38 2012 from
Gary Bolinsky <

Hi Guys, will you be playing out on 2/14? If so, where and when? Thanx, Gary.

Fri Mar 2 22:38:09 2012 from
Gary Bolinsky <

I was fortunate enough to catch part of your show the last time you played NSB. What a treat! Shades of "Wilson Phillips", and maybe some Karen Carpenter; and that last one is a complement I have never paid, anyone. Can't wait till you are down this way again. If it is going to be too long, I guess it will be time for a road-trip. Thanx Girls!

Tue Mar 13 20:47:39 2012 from
Richard Klein <

Hello Gail, I came across your YouTube video of "Remember" today and thought I would say hello. I haven't seen you or Tina perform live since I retired from the Holly Hill Police Dept in 2005 and moved away to North Carolina. It's an amazing song and a really good performance. I don't know if you also wrote it, but if you did....all I can say is WOW! I get back to the Daytona Beach area about twice a year nowadays. Next time I'm in town I hope I get the chance to come hear you play again. P.S. I still have the Jonathan Edwards cassette you gave me years ago. I think it was your way of saying "thank you" for not writing you a ticket the night I pulled your van over for some long-forgotten traffic infraction near Shakey Jake's. I suppose I should actually listen to it now that I have some extra time. Best regards, Richard

Mon Aug 6 20:35:39 2012 from
Christine & Skip McDaniel <

Hey Gail, we found your website! Definitely planning on going to Caffeine this Friday with Flo (Skip's Mom). Feeling a little "blue" after my truck left our driveway, but very happy it found delightful new owners! If I was a musician/singer I would produce a song to that effect, ha! See you Friday, Christine & Skip

Tue Aug 7 22:32:28 2012 from

Sun Aug 19 09:04:59 2012 from
Kimmi Sue Edmiston <

Love your music!!

Wed Sep 26 09:36:54 2012 from
Richard Willis  <

Hi Gail, Its been a long time. I hope you guys are still going strong. You sound great on the youtube clips. Hope to see you guys again sometime soon. Take care.

Tue Oct 23 19:02:17 2012 from
Lisa Goetz Di Nicolo <

We heard you guys play at Frances Wilson's Birthday Party 10-2012, and loved your energy, song selection, and sound overall. Hope to use you ourselves some day. Lisa and Roberto Di Nicolo

Thu Oct 25 15:52:49 2012 from
clarissa chase <

we met at Iron Horse during Bike week. Bill Jones niece. Hope to see you soon.

Fri Oct 26 14:26:46 2012 from
Ursula <

Hi Girls - hope the weather's good tonight, with Hurricane Sandy off our coast, so you're able to play at Caffeine's Tiki Bar. Hope to see you tonight. XO, Ursula

Thu Nov 8 09:49:07 2012 from
sqwelch <

Hi Gail and Tina, would love to hear you guys again,will check the calendar for where you are playing and catch you soon love Sqwelch

Sun Nov 18 19:33:33 2012 from
Donna n Dave <

We miss you girls!! Love you!

Tue Mar 19 08:55:35 2013 from
Steve Kelly <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Gail & Tina, Saw y'all play at Pirana Grill on Saturday, 16 March. Really liked your sound and harmonies. Keep up the great work. I hope your second gig that day was just as great and the cables unfolded properly. If you ever get to Philly, let me know and we'll make it a great gig. Cheers, Steve

Wed Apr 3 12:34:06 2013 from
William <

Love you guys haven't seen you in years though..

Thu Apr 4 19:00:35 2013 from
len and rhonda kraitheim <rsmith1@uplink.met

We are the couple who treat you to the steamed shrimp

Sat Aug 3 00:01:17 2013 from
Steve Badali <

Awesome seeing you two again after a few years...we became fans nearly a decade ago at The Wreck and then followed you for a while. What a great surprise tonight to see you at Riverview sounding as solid as ever !! Your talent does not fade. Thank You Steve & Sandi Badali Alex's Mom & Step-Dad

Mon Aug 26 11:24:19 2013 from
Rosela rich <

I would like to know if you are available to play for my birthday on sept 14 at the grille riverviee

Fri Sep 20 07:39:14 2013 from
Barb "Skeeter" Bliss <

Just love going to your shows. You are wonderful entertainers-a lot of fun!

Mon Dec 23 15:06:14 2013 from

Have not seen the two of ya in a while! Wanted to wish You Both a Very Merry Christmas!!! Mike & Pearl

Fri Jan 3 15:40:48 2014 from

Mon Jan 27 19:19:29 2014 from
william gaeth <

Hey there, I need a Gailforce fix. When will you two be at Franks again? Faulkner, it was great seeing you on main street new years eve. Roy and I love you so much! So Glad to find this page!

Sat May 10 08:31:10 2014 from
Bruce Webster <

Last night I wandered into the Tavares venue where you were playing. I hope you'll play this area more often. Playing Canned Heat and (almost) Jonathon Edwards was awesome-you made my night. I was going to hang around and chat but thought it too intruding. I have my accreditation in PR (as a side note) and think some publicity would be appropriate. (remember me?) lol

Wed Jun 18 13:50:48 2014 from
Randy bush <

Hi Gail, I'm a friend of Charlie Washburn ,he knows u From about 15 yrs ago we live in tenn now Just saw u online thought we'd say hi

Wed Jun 18 14:37:19 2014 from
gail camputaro <

Wed Jun 18 14:43:33 2014 from
gail camputaro <

Enjoyed you both at private Memorial Day party where you did an outstanding job singing " The Star Spangled Banner", the best I have ever heard. Think it would be great if you could do it at a NASCAR Race...............Gail

Tue Jul 8 21:49:21 2014 from
Denice Luke <

wow it's been a long time since I wrote on your page. We are so happy to be back home so we can see you girls more often. No if life would just get out of the way so we could. LOL. Your still as awesome if not more awesome than we remember. We love you both and tell everyone we know that we know you and pass the word for them to come see you. Can't wait til next time. Love ya

Sat Jul 19 17:11:13 2014 from
Vona Ramsey <

Getting ready for a great night at Grill at Riverview in New Smyrna Beach, can't wait to see and hear you!!

Sun Jul 20 21:18:12 2014 from
Pam mayh. P. J !!!l  <>  (Guest's Home Page)

O.M.G once again I've found you. Just stepped into facebook, and navigation. Love you two so much! Miss you can't wait to follow!

Sun Jul 20 21:32:37 2014 from
Pam mayh. P. J !!!l  <>  (Guest's Home Page)

O.M.G once again I've found you. Just stepped into facebook, and navigation. Love you two so much! Miss you can't wait to follow!

Mon Sep 8 10:07:13 2014 from
Brenda & David Lavoie <

Always enjoy your music

Sat Nov 15 20:13:26 2014 from
susan <

ever at penns peak??????????

Sun Mar 22 15:35:31 2015 from
Art Ayers <

hi girls. Had great time , don't forget June or July. Thanks again

Tue Apr 21 22:09:41 2015 from
Linda Harwood <

Where are you playing in the near future.

Sat Jun 13 15:26:07 2015 from
Stan and Karen Riva <karestan

Looking for your June calender. Would love to hear you guys play. It's been too long!

Sat Dec 12 20:54:24 2015 from
Karen ( Blondie) <

Thank you for letting me sing with ya'll! What a blast! Love you guys!

Fri Apr 1 20:08:26 2016 from
mark guzman <

Gail Havent seen you in a long time but im making it a point to come and see you soon. Hope to talk to you then, youll remember me

Mon May 2 09:02:35 2016 from
Gayle M. Gordon <

Good morning, I just wanted to ask about music for the July 22 mom birthday party. Any way we could get a couple of "mom" songs like Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra or that era? Just a thought! I will catch up with you girls soon to say hi and give you a deposit for the party.

Sat Jun 4 20:30:58 2016 from
Christine <

Wow...heard these ladies last night at Riverview and they are pretty talented and amazing! Can't wait to hear you again!

Thu Jun 9 08:07:05 2016 from
Brian Madsen <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Looking forward to comming out and see you play :) Great Pics ! Great Music !

Thu Aug 4 04:26:25 2016 from
bruce evans <

hey girls, Dave Evans' California brother here- who loves your music-with a few, I hope not unwelcome, suggestions for tunes you might enjoyplaying:"Flute Thing" {Blues Project}-instrumental; "John Barleycorn Must Die"{Traffic} "Love Has No Pride" {Bonnie Raitt,among others};"Nothin' but a Breeze" and "Payday" {Jesse Winchester} "Midnight at the Oasis" and "Don't Ya Feel My Leg"{Maria Muldaur}

Sun Oct 23 23:18:17 2016 from
Anita Ford <

So nice to see You today. If u ever need to me 3864512974. U you look great!

Mon Dec 26 18:34:12 2016 from

Mon Feb 27 08:07:14 2017 from
Rhonda Kelly <

At the Ormond Brewery Sat night. Great show!!!!

Sun Mar 26 15:47:19 2017 from
Kevin purtill  <

Most enjoyable

Sun May 28 15:06:04 2017 from
Wes mobley <>  (Guest's Home Page)

Y'all are awesome.

Fri Jan 5 23:43:19 2018 from
larry barrett <

hi gail, how r you doing? hope you remember me. i hung out with rosie when we were in high school. i hooked up with dave on fb this year. anyway i hope this message finds u well. i go to bikeweek and oct. fest every year and id love to here you play. i started the lawrence clayton band about 6 -years ago . we play ny, s.c. n.c. and a lot of ga. i play a fender mustang bass. do alot of country-country rock. so you have my e-mail,hope to here from u soon....

Wed Jan 10 21:04:46 2018 from
edd gordon <

Hey Gail it was a pleasure talking to You tonight. 1 10 18 at the Dog Club. Love Your website. Your truly Edd Gordon

Thu Jun 21 14:02:44 2018 from
Patti Winchester <

Mon Sep 3 12:26:30 2018 from
Patti Winchester <

Mon Sep 3 12:28:09 2018 from
Patti Winchester <

Thu Feb 21 02:30:31 2019 from
John Hinzman <

Hello Gailforce !! Enjoyed listening to some of your music. I will be coming out to catch one of your live shows soon. - John H.

Thu Apr 18 18:46:51 2019 from
Jeff <Conner

Sun Nov 10 11:44:56 2019 from
Robin Westphal Cone <

Signing up

Thu Dec 19 13:03:12 2019 from
Julie <

Wed Jan 1 14:41:43 2020 from

Wed Jan 1 14:42:53 2020 from

Thu Jan 2 15:28:53 2020 from
larry <

Sun Jan 12 10:43:30 2020 from

Sun Oct 18 15:59:58 2020 from
Jules Wagner <

You are the BOMB!!!! Clear beautiful voices and talented musicians graced Plantation bay today! Thank you for making our Sundays special!! You were do kind to let me sing with you! Hope to see you play again.soon!!!! Jules

Mon Nov 2 15:59:59 2020 from
Karen castles <

When and where are you playing this month.I would like to see you I think your family knows a larry Barrett ?

Thu Sep 23 14:51:31 2021 from
Pam <

Wanted to Know Your October Shedule for October 2021 Would love to come here you two again

Tue Nov 9 19:09:53 2021 from
Lynne Kiel Johnston <

Covid getting better.. would love to come see you play... moved back to Ormond Beach... can't wait to see you!!

Fri Mar 4 20:57:56 2022 from
Clayton Park <Cpark3700&

Fri Mar 4 20:58:50 2022 from
Clayton Park <

Sat Jul 9 09:44:59 2022 from
Kay Taynor <

Hello you two, been a while. Wanted to get back in with you both to see where you two are playing now. I think you are both wonderful ladies. Thanks, Kay

Thu May 23 23:35:38 2024 from